Ameet Mattoo
Coach for Organisation Growth through Cultural Transformation
Unique mix of Technology and Behavioural Sciences, Ameet has 25+ years of overall work experience, with a specialisation in Human Process based Organisation Development Consulting & Coaching with CEOs and senior Business leaders – with a focus on organisation transformation by building a culture excellence of entrepreneurship.
Organisation Transformation, Change Management, Systemic Consulting, Leadership Development Consultant & Coach
About Ameet
Ameet brings in a unique mix of Technology and Behavioural Sciences. He has 25+ years of overall work experience and since last 12+ years he has been working in Human Process based Organisation Development Consulting & Coaching with CEOs and senior Business leaders. He has done his Engineering in Electronics and has worked for around 14 years in Technology R&D in STMicroelectronics a European MNC, before he followed his calling and moved to the field of Applied Behavioural Sciences – Organisation Development & Coaching
Ameet has done his Engineering in Electronics and has worked for around 14 years in Technology R&D in STMicroelectronics a European MNC, before he followed his calling and moved to the field of Applied Behavioural Sciences – Organisation Development & Coaching.
His area of work includes Design and implementation of Interventions for Organisation transformation, Change management, Culture Building, Group facilitation, Leadership development and Individual & Group Coaching. Ameet has also conducted many Human Process & Leadership Development Labs (structured & unstructured)
Ameet has consulted and coached leaders in various organisations ranging from Mid-sized companies to global MNCs across domains from IT, Technology, Auto Industry, Manufacturing, Banking, Home Appliances, e-Commerce and NGOs.
Ameet is a Professional Member of Indian Society of Applied Behavioural Science (ISABS), a Certified Organisation Development consultant from ISABS, a T-Group Facilitator, a Coach, and specializes in psychometric tools like MBTI/DiSC and is certified in Entrepreneurial Motivation Program from NIESBUD, Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India. Ameet is also pursuing Psychotherapy and has completed his Diploma in Transactional Analysis.
In his last corporate role, Ameet was Head Organisation Development for Mu Sigma and before that he worked as Internal OD Consultant & Coach in STMicroelectronics Ltd.
Currently he runs a consulting company THINK CHANGE (www.thinkchange.co.in) & has Co-founded a program TAKE2 which helps people make transformational changes in life (https://take-2.in)
Ameet has been a Guest Faculty and conducted Labs and Workshops in institutes like IIM Ahmedabad, XLRI Jamshedpur, Goa Institute of Management (GIM), International Management Institute (IMI-Delhi) etc. Ameet has Published papers in reputed International conferences such as World Appreciative Inquiry Conference (WAIC-Belgium); International Society for Work and Organisational Values; International Organisation Development Association Conference etc.