Atul Chugh
Atul is a Human Resources, Learning & OD professional with 30 years work experience, working with an outward mindset & client centered approach.

Atul Chugh
Atul is a Human Resources, Learning & Organization Development professional with 30 years of rich experience. He brings niche expertise in Leadership Transformations through human processes at the core of his delivery. He focuses on organization development, competency-based interventions, & assessments for senior leadership teams’ globally. He has experience in leadership coaching, L&D execution and building EQ in organizations.
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Ameet Mattoo
Strong focus on Sustainable Organisational growth/ Scaling up, leadership alignment, and building a culture of excellence and entrepreneurship…

Ameet Mattoo
Unique mix of Technology and Behavioural Sciences, Ameet has 25+ years of overall work experience, with a specialization in Human Process based Organisation Development Consulting & Coaching with CEOs and senior Business leaders – with a focus on organisation transformation by building a culture excellence of entrepreneurship.
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Anirban Datta
HR and OD professional with 22 years of experience……facilitating organization transformation by integrating individuals and systems

Anirban Datta
Passionate about partnering with organizations to conceptualize and drive transformation with an objective to enhance organization capability. In driving large scale organization transformation, his approach has been to create learning organization by inculcating self-reflexivity in the system. He has worked extensively in the areas of organization design, organization transformation & change management, employee engagement, talent management, performance management, leadership development (including executive coaching) and strategic HR business partnering.
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Aparna Prabhudesai
An Everest summiteer & alumnus of ISB, impacts corporate & social sectors in training, coaching, and OD interventions

Aparna Prabhudesai
Brings the rarest combination of grit and determination– a passionate mountaineer and leadership coach with masters degrees in PMIR & Behavioral Psychology, she leverages her experience of living in professional pursuits across India, Americas and Japan… cross-cultural understanding from travelling to 30 countries makes her narratives compelling as a trainer, and OD exponent
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Kishore Gandhi
Executive, Organization & Relationship Systems Coach (ORCS), Talent and Organization effectiveness curator.

Kishore Gandhi
OD consultant, Executive coach and ORCS coach. Partners with organizations to discover, capitalize potential for growth with effective human capital management strategies that create thriving culture and business performance. Sought as Coach and Facilitator to enable Organization Change and Transformational initiatives.
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Dr.Lalitha Iyer
Author with academic interests in economic history & social development. OD consultant & human process facilitator contributes to corporate clients and women changemakers in rural India

Dr.Lalitha Iyer
A former banker & school principal is the Founder Trustee, Plustrust. Brings a well-rounded experience of two decades in banking operations, HRM, and L&OD. Her passion for learning brought her to head a reputed school for three years. Besides corporate assignments she works in the Dev sector/ NGOs/ Government, Microfinance, Livelihood promotion as facilitator and consultant.
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Meenakshi Vijayasimha
Leadership, Organization and Relationship Systems Coach (ORSC™), Organization & Talent capability cultivator, Human Process Facilitator

Meenakshi Vijayasimha
OD Consultant, Leadership and ORSC Coach. Partners with organizations to discover and cultivate potential for growth with effective human capital management strategies that create thriving culture and business performance. Sought as a Facilitator and Coach to enable Organization development and Transformational initiatives.
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TT Srinath
Sensitivity trainer. OD & Behavioural consultant. Worked with 130 clients and 30,000 people across globe over 3 decades.

TT Srinath
Sensitivity trainer. OD & Behavioural consultant. Worked with 130 clients and 30000 people across globe over 3 decades. Worked closely with people in organisations, across different levels, largely in people process areas helping organisations re-craft their people approach in order to impact business growth. Employs interactive psychodramatic tools to help engage people.
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Ulhas Supatkar
Leadership Accelerator, C-Suit Coach, Six Sigma Black Belt, OD with cutting edge Behavioural Science Competencies…

Ulhas Supatkar
“Cutting edge OD practitioner, Leadership accelerator, Executive coach & Management development consultant". “Proficiency in Change interventions, and C-Suit Coaching. Rich and diverse experience from global MNC’s and Indian organizations, with demonstrated successful track record. Rich and diverse experience from Top Global MNC’s and Reputed Indian organizations.
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